
Otjiwa Restaurant

Restaurants "By Reservation only"

We offer Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner either inside or outside, with a beautiful view where you can watch the wildlife from your table, with friendly staff ready to serve you. With our well trained chefs, it’s our mission to ensure the best quality meals.

We offer Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner either inside or outside, with a beautiful view where you can watch the wildlife from your table, with friendly staff ready to serve you. With our well trained chefs, it’s our mission to ensure the best quality meals. Our breakfast and dinner would be set out on a buffet style, so each guest can enjoy the food according to their liking. Each day at 16:00 pm we offer coffee and home baked treats for guest to enjoy. 

Restaurant bookings by RESERVATIONs and In House Guests only.

All meals must be booked in advance either via email or at reception.


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Email us
for the best rates

Otjiwa Restaurant's official website


Booking Enquiry
for firm date requests

Trade Enquiry
for STO Rates

SADC Resident Rates
SADC passport holders


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